1st Sunday of the Month
ALL Ages Together
Food, Fun, Games and More...
3rd Sunday of the Month
Children (Age 3-5th Grade) - Community Room
Middle/High School - Youth Lounge
Adults - Chapel
Children are always welcome and encouraged to participate in worship at Christ Lutheran Church!
During 9am Drive-in worship children (and adults) are free to move about. Our playground is accessible and in view of the service. At 11am the parlor is available if parents and small children need to take some time out of the service. Children’s activity bags and bulletins are provided at both services.
Opportunities for children and families to serve in worship include: Greeter, Usher, Reader, Communion Assistant, Acolyte and Reader

These Sunday Worship Bulletins for Kids include activities and artwork related to the day’s readings and the church year season. Print copies are available at each worship service or download and print at home from our Worship page.


Adult Secret Pals pray for one child (age 3-5th grade) throughout the fall and winter. They also send encouraging notes and occasional small gifts. In the Spring we will have a Revealing Party for secret pals, children and parents.
If you would like to serve as an adult secret pal or sign up your child to receive a Secret Pal, please contact Pastor Cindy: [email protected]